
A Story About Literacy

A Story About Literacy

The Nora Roberts Foundation,

Supporting literacy, children, and the arts.

I grew up in a family of readers, with books all over the house The Library was as regular stop for my mother as the grocery store, and I have such lovely memories of combing the stacks, walking out with my arms full of stories-all those new world to explore.

I remember perfectly the dusty, papery smell of the big attic in our house where books stacked waiting on big old shelves, and the pleasure of climbing the narrow steps to sit on the creaky old floor to study the covers and make my choice.

These memories are precious, and more, gave so and my brothers such as strong foundation, I simply don't remember not reading, not having pile of books sitting in my room--from Marvel Comics to Shakespeare, and everything between, books were part of the fabric of my childhood.

Not all are as fortunate to have that foundation and that fabric. Those of us who are can help others build the foundation, weave the fabric. We can help open words by funding literacy, by giving our real and tangible support to organisations like ProLiteracy and their members that work to teach the power and pleasure of reading and devote their time and efforts to that most basic, necessary and human skill

Reading is a portal-into the past, the future, It's a parent reading

Where The Wild Things Are to the child on his lap. It's someone filling

out a job application to better her life or following a recipe from a

cookbook to feed their family. It's a quiet hour on a rainy afternoon,

note from a friend, the instructions on a bottle of medication.

It's elemental, and it's magic, and it's vital.

Think of your pleasure when you open a book and prepare to dive into

that story, that world and that wonder. By funding literacy you help

give that pleasure and wonder to others. This is a gift that not only

Last a lifetime, but will be passed to others. With your help, one

day every child could be a fortunate as I, and grow up in a family of readers


ProLiteracy Every adult has a fight to tracy.